A follow-up Sequence allows you to send follow-up messages to your customers at different times. You can set up different Queues, each with a different delay (1 day, 3 days, 5 days, etc.) and different messages. Then, you can subscribe your customers to the Sequence to start sending messages to them at the time you have set.
Create a Sequence
To create a Sequence, click on New on the left sidebar, and click on Add Sequence.
Manage Queues
A Queue is the same as a Flow, with the addition of being to set the delay before it is sent. You can create as many Queue as you like inside a Sequence.
Create Queue
To create a Queue, click on Add Queue button on the top of the Queues
Edit Queue
You can change the Queue name and the delay before the message is sent. To edit, click on the Pencil icon. Click Save after edit to save the changes.
To learn more about editing Flow in the Queue, refer to the introduction to WhatsApp Bot Flow.
Reorder Queue
You can reorder your Queues after creating them. This can be useful when you want to insert a Queue in the middle of the list.
This may affect what your customers receive if they have already subscribed to the Sequence.
For example, if you have a Sequence named Sequence A with the following Queues:
Queue 1
Queue 2
Queue 3
And you have a customer John who is subscribed Sequence A and has received messages from Queue 1 and Queue 2.
If you decide to insert a Queue named Queue 4 in between Queue 2 and Queue 3:
Queue 1
Queue 2
Queue 4 (Newly inserted Queue)
Queue 3
Then John will receive Queue 4 next instead of Queue 3.
To reorder a Queue, simply click on the Drag icon on the left of the queue and drag to reorder.
Duplicate Queue
You can duplicate a Queue you have already made. To duplicate, click on the “3 dots” button and click Duplicate Queue.
Delete Queue
Bot may stop replying to your customer if he/she is interacting with the Flow in this Queue.
To delete a Queue, click on the “3 dots” button and click Delete Queue. This action is irreversible.
Duplicate a Sequence
To duplicate a Sequence, click on “3 dots” button on the right side of the Sequence and click Duplicate
Delete a Sequence
Bot may stop replying to your customer if he/she is interacting with the Flow in this Sequence.
To delete a Sequence, click on “3 dots” button on the right side of the Sequence and click Delete. This action is irreversible.