Quota and limit

1 min read

ChatMamba Comment Autoreply and Lead Extraction both come with quota, depending on the plan that your Facebook Page is subscribed to.

Quota calculation

When you link your Facebook Page to ChatMamba, it is automatically subscribe to Free Plan. You can then choose to upgrade the page to Premium Plan. Calculation of quota for each plan is shown below:

Comment Autoreply

Free PlanPremium Plan
Quota105,000 or 10,000*
Refresh Intervaldailymonthly

Lead Extraction

Free PlanPremium Plan
Quota31,000 or 3,000*
Refresh Intervaldailymonthly
  • Depending on the tier of Premium Plan You can also see the full plan comparison here.

What happens after the quota is reached?

When your page’s quota is reached, it will stop executing the automation task until the quota is refreshed. Upgrading page Plan will immediately increase quota and resume the relevant execution.

How can I check my usage?

  1. Go to ChatMamba, and select your Facebook Page
  2. Click on Usage