Click on the “more” icon on the page you wish to share access to (See below).
You will see a list of users that has access to this page.
To invite a new member, click on Invite member to manage page.
Inviting new member
Here, you can choose what permission you want to share to this user. The permission is granular, meaning that you can share only certain feature (e.g. only Autoreply) to the user. Each permission is then further breakdown into 3 parts, as shown below :
VIEW - Member can view all configurations of the feature
EDIT - Member can create, edit or delete configuration of the feature
SHARE - Member can invite other user to access the feature
After filling in user email address and selecting the permissions you want to share, invite the user.
Updating member permission
Only page owner can update member permission
You can update a member’s permission after he/she joins the page.
On the permission page, find the member you wish to update and tick/untick the permissions you wish to grant/revoke.
Click Save changes.
Removing member
Only page owner can remove member
To remove a member:
On the permission page, find the member you wish to remove and click on “more” icon.
Click Remove member and confirm to remove.
Transfer page ownership
This only transfer the ownership of Facebook Page in ChatMamba, not in Facebook
You can transfer the ownership of the page to another ChatMamba user. Transfering ownership will do the following :
Grant all owner-only permitted feature to new owner, while revoking yours.
ChatMamba will use the token granted by the new owner to perform all Facebook-related operations (e.g. Replying to Facebook comment). This means that if the new owner revokes ChatMamba access from his/her Facebook account, the automations will stop working
The new owner must fufil the following criteria to become new owner of the Facebook Page.
New owner must be an admin in the Facebook Page in Facebook
New owner must have already granted necessary permissions to ChatMamba
Disconnecting Page
Sometimes, you might want to pause all automations in your page, while still keeping all configurations in place. You can achieve this by disconnecting your page.
Click on the “more” icon on the page you wish to disconnect (See below).
Click on Disconnect Page.
You can reconnect the page by clicking on Reconnect Page.
Deleting Page
Deleting a page cannot be undone. If you wish to pause automation in your Facebook Page, try disconnecting your page.
If you no longer want to link your Facebook Page in ChatMamba, you can delete the page. Note that this will delete all configurations that you’ve set up, and cannot be undone.